Freebike Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales. Company ID: 11624790, VAT ID: 313033657
Registered office: Waterston House, Dorchester, DT2 7SP, United Kingdom
© 2020 All Rights Reserved. Designed by Obscural.
It may seem a strange time, in the midst of a full-blown pandemic, to be launching a new website. Especially a website focused on providing companies and organisations with fleets of electric Freebikes for staff when most employees are currently working remotely.
At Freebike, where possible, our staff are working from home which has seen sharp acclimatisation to the ways of Zoom and remote working but with us now getting back to some semblance of ‘normality’. Early in the Covid-19 crisis it was decided that we would dramatically scale back our public offering in London. Put simply, we felt it was unsafe to offer our full fleet when we could not guarantee appropriate levels of service and cleaning.
Reduction of our public service has given us the opportunity to focus our efforts on providing a service to NHS and Key Workers, enabling them to commute to and from work without the possibility of endangering others by using public transport. Despite being launched just 3 weeks ago, and with a relatively low amount with only a small number of bikes, we have already helped Key Workers travel over 9500km. Our hard-working operations staff are continuing to look after our bikes: change batteries, service bikes and all whilst maintaining social distancing and cleanliness standards.
Of course, this has had a real commercial impact on us as a company but if there is one thing that the crisis has shown so far is that many companies are valuing ‘doing the right thing’ over short-term profit. As a company that take our social commitments seriously it was, ultimately, a simple decision to make.
We are hopeful that, as we emerge on the other side of thiscrisis, micro and shared mobility grow in importance. Their benefits for health, traffic, and the environment are well documented and COVID-19 may be the impetus to finally act.
If you are a company or organisation looking at how you can provide your staff with alternative transport methods on their return to the office environment you can do far worse than have a look around our website and contact us for some further information. We are confident we can help you retain staff, improve their well-being, and increase your CSR and branding visibility.
Until then, keep safe and look after yourselves.